How To Make An Extra $10 Per Day

I stopped by the grocery store and saw a cute girl dressed up as a mascot. Dancing around in her goofy costume, selling potato chips. We got to talking, and it turned out she had worked at Meta, before the big tech lay-off. And now she was shilling snack foods.

“From the stars to the stables,” as they say in Italian.

Anyway, my point is that the current job market is fierce.

And your job isn’t as safe as you think it is. Which is why you need to be able to earn money that’s independent from your 9-to-5.

Which is why today’s article covers some super easy ways to make an extra $10 per day.

Why $10 per day?

Because this is a nice little starting point to show you what’s possible. And, because that $10/day extra income adds up fast.

Want an example?

Everyone is going nuts over U.S. Treasury Bills.

Right now, these are yielding 5%.

Parking $120,000 in T Bills would net you $6,000 in annual passive income.

Meanwhile, building a simple system to net you $10 per day in extra cash nets you $3,000 over the course of a year. This is the equivalent to putting $60,000 into government treasury notes.

That’s enough to cover several months’ rent in much of Asia.

Or, you could use reinvest that money to grow it faster.

Or, you could just spend it all partying. Which is a fun option, too.

What you do with your money is ultimately up to you.

But here are a few ideas to start generating extra income.

How To Make An Extra $10 Per Day

(End Of The Month Extra Income From Affiliate Marketing)

  1. Write An eBook – Have you ever read a Clive Cussler novel? They’re fun, but not particularly well written. Despite being a mediocre author who wrote pulp thrillers, Cussler died with a $120 million net worth. There’s a surprising amount of money in books. And platforms like Amazon or Gumroad make it easy to sell your titles “on autopilot.” I self-published several books over a decade ago, and still collect royalties from them. A great business for generating passive income.
  2. Peer-to-Peer Lending – Platforms like LendingClub and Prosper allow you to loan out money and collect interest. The same way a bank would. One of the cool things about peer-to-peer lending is that you earn higher interest than you would from a savings account or Treasury Bill. True story. A friend has consistently generated 16% returns from loaning money on one of these apps. And he’s grown his account into the six-figures and retired from it! A great way to make $10 per day, or more.
  3. Affiliate Marketing – Make money selling other people’s products. Affiliate marketing is like being a salesman. Close deals and collect commissions. One great thing affiliate marketing is that a lot of products offer irresistible customer offers that practically sell themselves. Go on CPA Grip, for example, and look at how many lead gen offers give away gift cards and free samples. Enticing buyers to sign up. And netting you more sales.

Hope that helps. And good luck on your freedom journey!
