Categories: Travel

How To Rent Super Cheap Apartments In Vietnam

Recently I scored the deal of a lifetime. A fully furnished three bedroom flat in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. All for the low price of $350 per month. To celebrate, this article will show you how to rent super cheap apartments in Vietnam too.

You’ll discover the best method for finding inexpensive, high-quality properties at insanely low prices.

Let’s begin.

How To Rent Super Cheap Apartments: A Complete Guide

(This Place Costs Less Than $450)

If you’re staying in Vietnam long-term (12 months or more), it’s pretty easy to find inexpensive property.

Many homes or large apartments have yearly contracts averaging out to under $500 a month. I’ve even seen nice, full-size houses for as little as $450. A big reason for this is competition.

There’s a building boom throughout the country, making it the perfect “buyer’s market.”

Landlords worry that their buildings will sit empty if prices are too high. So they come up with all sorts of deals and discounts to help entice new tenants.

And this makes it easy for you to find nice property at a bargain basement price.

Here’s how.

1. Get A Local’s Help

The best way to find cheap apartments is through a local.

If you’re dating a girl here, ask her to help.

Otherwise, see if friend can assist you.

There are two advantages to this. Locals know their neighborhoods well, making it easy for them to uncover good deals. And, they speak Vietnamese, allowing them to easily negotiate on your behalf.

While it is possible to go apartment hunting on your own, most Westerners are relatively unsuccessful.

It’s tough to find properties on your own. Especially if you aren’t fluent in Vietnamese. As such I recommend always getting a local to help.

They’ll do a great job hunting down deals for you.

2. Look Off The Beaten Path

Do you know what costs money? Advertising.

If an apartment is in the papers or on flyers, it’s expensive.

Cheap apartments aren’t well broadcast.

Often times, the only way you’ll learn these places are on the market is through word of mouth or local contacts.

The properties aren’t online or marketed through a realtor.

Instead, you’ll just have to ask around if anyone knows a place to rent.

It might sound a little fruitless, but in Vietnam this tactic is surprisingly effective. Almost everyone has a suggestion. And often times, you’ll find several great opportunities with minutes of asking around.

3. Don’t Be Afraid To Negotiate

Haggling is frowned on in the West, but Vietnamese people do it all the time. So much so that many sellers set a high initial price, expecting you’ll whittle them down.

Give it a try.

If you’ve never negotiated before, it’s a good skill to master. The book Never Split the Difference is a great starting place and provides all the tools for reaching a reasonable compromise.

Likewise, I suggest asking for a discount if you pay ahead of schedule.

For instance, when renting my new place, I paid for a whole year right away. And, by doing so, the owner gave a nice discount.

In many cases, you don’t need to pay a full year’s rent up front or anything that drastic. However, you should check and see if the landlord will reduce your rate for paying a certain portion of your rent early.

Many will, and it’s a terrific way to save extra cash.

Closing Thoughts

If you’re moving to Vietnam for the long-haul, it’s smart to look around for bargain-price apartments.

You’re getting a nice place to stay, at a fraction of what its counterparts cost.

And the easiest way to do this is by asking the local for help. They’ll be able to recommend a places most foreigners would never know about. Plus, they’re able to keep an eye out for the bet deals possible.

Then, once you’ve found a place, try negotiating further.

Many landlords will knock the price down if you do something like paying your rent early.

This cuts costs even more, making it easy to score nice places at an insanely cheap price.

P.S. As mentioned before, this tactic work best if you’re staying in Vietnam for at least a year. Short-term visitors (especially travelers vacationing for only a few weeks) can use Agoda.com to book inexpensive lodgings.
