How To Travel Internationally All Summer

I’ve spent the past three months gallivanting around, eating at restaurants, SCUBA diving, and hopping between multiple countries. It’s been a blast. However, it’s also given me time to think about how lucky I am. Being able to travel internationally is something most people can only dream of.

Because of this, today’s article lays out several paths to developing the financial freedom necessary in order to see the world.

If you’ve ever wanted to roam the world, this post’s for you.

1. Get Rich And Live Off Passive Income

This is the easiest way to enjoy a jet-set lifestyle. It’s also what most people think of when they envision international travel.

Jim Rogers is the perfect example of this (side note: if you’re interested in travel or money, check out his book The Investment Biker). Rogers made hundreds of millions on Wall Street, retired in his early 30’s, and then traveled around the world.

Fortunately, you don’t need millions of dollars to live off passive income.

Saving up a few hundred thousand dollars and investing into the right bonds or dividend stocks can easily cover most cost of living expenses.

(Dividends Can Eventually Replace Paychecks)

Once you’ve built up some assets, you’ll enjoy monthly payouts which you can use for travel.

This is a great option for anyone with a high-income career.

2. Work Part-Time, Set A Budget, And Save Up

Another “unsexy” but effective system for funding your adventures. This one’s especially useful if you’re in your early 20’s and looking to shake things up.

This method works best if you get a high paying, seasonal job (construction or landscaping come to mind). Then you live frugally and save as much as possible for your future travels. That’s pretty much it.

Personally, I did this at age 18 and it changed my life. At the time I was depressed, didn’t know what I wanted, and felt like I needed to see the world.

(Seeing The Mayan Pyramids Before 2012 Was Cool)

I worked construction for a summer, saved a few hundred bucks a week, and then went hiking around Latin America.

If you’re young, and have no obligations, this is a great opportunity.

3. Start A Business That Allows You To Travel Internationally

There’s a classic book called The 4-Hour Work Week, which is all about building a freedom business that allows you to make money at anyplace or anytime.

Thanks to the Internet, this is now easier than ever.

Buy a sales guide (The AdWeek Copywriting Handbook is great) and learn to market products. Selling online is cheaper and easier than ever (you could do it with nothing but a Facebook page). You can easily clear $1,000 a month with minimal effort.

Social media, while nice, has drawbacks. There’s no longevity and you’re always at risk the platform becoming obsolete (think Myspace).

Because of this, I’d suggest starting your own website (it’s easy) through a quality service like BlueHost. You’ll get a free domain name and 24/7 customer support when you open an account with them.

Selling online (whether it’s affiliate marketing someone else’s products or promoting your own goods) is the fastest and easiest way to financially support yourself as you travel internationally.

(All Possible Thanks To Working Online)

Start a website, put in the hours, and the money starts coming in.

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