Categories: Travel

Moving Abroad Is For Losers (With Proof)

When I was 21, I had $4,000 in my savings account and no idea what I wanted to do with my life. My only goal was to NOT end up stuck in middle America, being a boring wage slave. With that in mind, I decided to risk it all by moving abroad to Southeast Asia.

Tim Ferriss was popular at the time, and he always recommended doing this. Plus, I loved action movies like James Bond or Indian Jones when I was growing up. Exotic locations, beautiful women, excitement and danger. Sign me up!

So, I set off to Vietnam for a year. When that year ended, I stayed longer. And the same thing happened the following year. And so on and so forth.

By the time I turned 26, I had amassed six-figures in stocks and real estate, developed a top-tier social circle, and done empirically better than all my friends and relatives back home.

How was this possible?

I’ll explain.

Moving Abroad Forces You To Develop “Killer Instincts”

If I had to give one piece of advice to any young man, it’s this: “Move someplace cheap and fun where you’re forced to develop self-reliance.”

Learning sales to pay the rent is a hell of a motivator.

I worked as a freelance writer my first year living abroad. Then I self-published books. After that I learned sales and copywriting. Finally, I rolled all these profits into crypto and investing.

Moving abroad taught me how money works (something most people never learn) and the low cost of living allowed me to experiment with different business ideas.

Meanwhile, the average 9-to-5 employee is just comfortable enough to do nothing. And as a result, they stagnate until inflation eats away at their salaries and they’re priced out of life.

(This Is How Average People Live)

Write an eBook or learn affiliate marketing. You’ll make more money in five years of this than you would from 20 years of punching a time clock.

Other Countries Are More Social

Do you know what most Americans do with their free time? Nothing. They watch Netflix or argue about topics they saw in the news. While people in other countries like TV and current events, most other countries are far more social than the USA.

In Asia people go to parks, malls, cafes, and beaches.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve made friends or scored a date by simply hanging out at a coffee shop or going for a walk.

Speaking of walks, other countries are far more walkable. I’ve never had to own a car, and rarely even take Grab (Southeast Asia’s version of Uber) or drive a motorbike. Most neighborhoods have almost everything you want, and it is very easy to walk to other areas of Saigon or Bangkok.

In fact, I’m writing this article in the park right now.

Get a pair of decent walking shoes and some nice clothes, because you’ll spend a lot of time out of your house and socializing. It’s tons of fun and way more enjoyable than the standard American pastime mindlessly watching TV.

Go Where The Women Are

Marc Faber says to move where the women are. And he’s right! If you live somewhere without attractive women, you’re going to be depressed. That’s no joke either, I can’t imagine living someplace where you rarely (if ever) see a decent looking girl. Yet that’s how many Americans live.

In other countries, women put a lot of effort into their looks. As such, law of large numbers says that there are a lot more attractive girls.

Friends who visit often remark that you can walk into 7/11 and see girls who’d have a million thirsty Instagram followers in the USA, yet they’re just considered “average” in their home country.

Additionally, a lot of women diet and exercise religiously. This means you’ll see hot women in their 20’s, 30’2, and 40’s. It’s very different from most Western countries, and makes dating easier and more fun.

Jump on VietnamCupid or ThaiCupid to see for yourself.

