Does Cologne Attract Women?

Does cologne attract women? This is a question you’ve undoubtedly asked yourself at some point. Walk through any mall or airport in the world and you’r sure to see ads where chiseled men attract sexy women using nothing but a dab of high-end designer cologne.

YouTube and bodybuilding forums are also filled with debates about where or not various fragrances will attract women.

This is always a hot topic with equal numbers of advocates an critics. Some guys love cologne and swear by it, others think it’s a waste of money.

Because of this, today’s article sets out to answer the age old question “Does cologne attract women?”

Read on if you’re curious.

Will Cologne Attract Women? (Three Picks And Results)

First off some bad news. What you wear doesn’t automatically guarantee attractiveness.

A big fat bad guy with a $100,000 wristwatch and designer clothes is still less attractive than a reasonably good-looking man who shops at H&M. Likewise, fragrances and will only affect you to a certain point.

In other words, being in decent shape (i.e. not obese), wearing clothes that fit, and having fairly good social skills are all going to have a bigger impact.

That said, cologne and fragrances do still help you (as your about to see) and will give you an extra advantage if used right.

You’l see how with the following fragrance choices:

1. RawChemistry Pheromone Cologne

Several years ago I got heavily into bodybuilding and used testosterone boosters to pump up my gains. To this day, I have never gotten more random attraction from women than during that period when I was in “High-T” mode.

Girls would come up and talk to me whenever I went out to the club, and I got laid a lot without any real effort.

A big reason for this is due to the fact that women can smell testosterone.

The higher your T-levels, the easier it is to attract already horny women. Of course, you don’t need to run gear or get into a special workout program to reap these benefits either. There’s a cheat code: using pheromone infused cologne. This has a similar effect and does help boost your attractiveness. It’s not a magic bullet, but I have used this and gotten compliments or had random girls strike up conversations.

This Amazon reviewer explains the results to expect perfectly:

If you’re going to a club or house party, throw on some RawChemistry Pheromone Cologne. It’ll give you an extra edge.

2. Clubman Pinaud After Shave Lotion

Technically not a cologne, per se. But Clubman Pinaud After Shave Lotion functions the same as any fragrance. You put it on your skin, and it gives off a pleasant scent.

This is the first fragrance I ever bought, and it still holds a special place in my heart.

This has a very old-school, manly scent to it, leaving you smelling like a mixture of oranges; lemons; and alcohol. If you’ve ever visited a classic barbershop, you’ll instantly know the smell.

Will this cologne attract women?

Not really. It won’t hurt you in any way, but I’ve never had a girl go out of her way to compliment this smell. From expirience, women like the scent but it’s not a huge game changer. Still, a bottle of Clubman Pinaud sells for less than $10 on Amazon and is much more distinct than your typical Old Spice or Axe Body Spray.

Try it if you’re curious about wearing an old time, classic fragrance.

3. Declaration By Cartier

Designer colognes are very hit or miss. You’re often paying for the brand name and nothing else. Likewise, you have to be careful when buying these fragrances online because there are a lot of knockoff sellers. Fortunately, if you purchase directly through Amazon.com (and not one of their third-party sellers), you’re getting the real deal item.

Anyway, back to the Declaration By Cartier review. This is a very nice, sophisticated fragrance which smells like cedar wood. Declaration is a nice scent to wear if you’re going out to eat, hitting up a casino, or grabbing drinks at an upscale bar or lounge.

The smell is very manly, and lasts a long time. You can throw this on in the morning and still pick up traces of it well into the night.

Does Delaration By Cartier attract women? Yes. This is a fragrance which gets a lot of compliments. Additionally, many women get excited or have a positive reaction when you mention the Cartier brand (one big advantage of designer goods). This is an excellent cologne and one I highly recommend.

Pick up a bottle and see for yourself.

Final Thoughts

Cologne will attract women, when used correctly. A good scent will land you compliments. And, in the case of RawChemistry Pheromone Cologne, the extra testosterone gives you a nice bump in attractiveness.

If you’re a man and you want to experiment with raising your levels of attractiveness, start trying out different colognes.

Order a few brands or scents and start playing around with which ones land you the most compliments.

P.S. I personally recommend any of the fragrances on this list. Each is worth experimenting with to see what grabs the most female attention for you.
