Categories: Health

What Getting A Vietnamese Fish Pedicure Is Like

Going to the spa may sound a little “fruity” if you’re a man, but it can have a tremendous impact on your health and well-being.

If you suffer from aches and pains, bad skin, or back problems, visiting a health spa can greatly improve your life. Once I moved to Vietnam, I made it a point to start getting frequent massages (the real ones, no hookers involved), as well as other holistic treatments.

While all of these are great, my personal favorite spa activity is the fish pedicure. It’s fun, relaxing, and leaves your feet feeling fantastic. And it’s dirt cheap, costing less than $7 total.

In this article I’ll explain exactly what a Vietnamese fish pedicure is like, the overall massage parlor scene in Vietnam, and why you should consider visiting a spa while you’re in the country.

Massage Parlor Myths Debunked!

(These Types Of Places Are Uncommon Outside Thailand’s Red Light Districts)

When people think of “Asian massages,” they usually think of hookers, happy endings, and backroom sexcapades. While these things can be found in Asia, they actually make up a very small percentage of spas overall.

Most massage parlors in Vietnam only offer massages. And those massages are damn good.

When you walk out of the spa, your body will be feeling better than ever. I’ve had massages that fixed my back after it was shifted out of alignment, repaired my ankle after I’d injured it, and just made me feel all-around better.

Case in point, fish pedicures.

These leave you mentally relaxed and they clean off any dead skin that’s built up on your feet.

Here’s how it works…

What Getting A Vietnamese Fish Pedicure

(Getting Fish To Clean Off Your Skin Feels Amazing)

When you get to the spa, you’ll have to take your shoes off at the door. A women will then hand you a pair of sandals to wear.

Once you go inside, you’ll have to pick which service you want. At most places they’ll try to upsell you constantly. Stand your ground and stick with the program you came for.

After you’ve selected your package, you’ll be taken to an area with a large fish tank. Then you’ll be instructed to sit on the edge of the tank and dip your feet into the water. Within seconds a whole school of small fish will swim up and start nibbling on your skin. It feels good.

What To Do During Your Pedicure

While the fish are doing their thing, you have a few options to pass the time.

You can get a massage (highly recommended), drink tea and read a book, or do some writing (I penned this article while at the spa). All of these are fun and relaxing ways to unwind.

After a while your fish massage will come to an end, usually after 30 minutes or so. Then it’s time to settle up your bill, most places charge $5 – $7 for a half-hour with the fishes. This is super cheap, and about $200 – $300 less than what you’d pay for the same service in New York or Los Angeles.

Next it’s time to walk back outside and grab your shoes. As you do this, you should notice how much better your feet are. It’s like they’re softer and more sensitive, so you have feeling in them.

I really can’t stress it enough, but you have to try a fish pedicure while in Vietnam. They’re very affordable and will greatly improve the health of your feet.

P.S. If you’re looking for a fun date idea, consider taking a girl to the spa with you.
