How To Make $133,225 A Year With Very Little Effort

Making money is easy. And in this post, I’ll show you how to generate over one hundred thousand dollars a year, while still having plenty of free time.


This is a system I use to earn tons of money. And I want to share it with you.


Here it is.

The “Daily Dollar Technique”

What I’m about to say sounds so stupid that most people will roll their eyes and immediately stop reading this article.

Oh well.

It’s their lose.

However, if you’re one of the few people who actually follows this advice, you’ll see a massive uptick in your earnings.

I guarantee it.

So, what is this strategy?

It’s simple. I call it the “Daily Dollar Technique.” And here’s how it works:

  • Create something worth $365 in annual profit.
  • Repeat this same process every day for one full year.
  • Congratulate yourself, you’ve just made $133,225.

Like I said, eye-rollingly simple. Especially once it’s condensed down to bullet points like that.

Wait! Let Me Explain!

Let’s get a little more in-depth and look at the science (and math), behind how this works.

1.What does a $365 product look like?

Whenever people hear about the daily dollar technique, that get hung-up on the first step.

“Create something worth $365, and do it all in just one day. Yeah right, that’ll never work. Get real!”

Their skepticism (while healthy), is based on an incorrect assumption.

You aren’t creating a product that sells for $365. You’re creating one that generates $365 over the course of an entire year.

There’s a huge difference.

$365 a year is only $1 per day.

And products that generate a mere $1 a day are very easy to make. So much so, that you’re able to create them in about an hour.

Some examples of these “micro money machines” include:

  • YouTube video.
  • Daily sales email.
  • Article with affiliate links.
  • Blog post with advertisements.
  • Private video course or special report.

These are all easy to create and require very little time investment.

Shooting a YouTube videos only takes a few minutes. Writing an email requires 15 minutes tops. And you can pen a blog post in under an hour.

This leads to the second point of our daily dollar formula.

2. How do you repeat the process daily?

For many people, the idea of creating new content daily is overwhelming. Why? Because they worry about “running out of ideas.”

In my experience, this will never be an issue.

Content-wise, there’s always something to write or talk about. As an example, let’s assume you start a YouTube fitness channel. Here are some topics you could easily cover:

  1. Exercise
  2. Diet
  3. Answering reader questions
  4. Health supplement reviews
  5. “How-To” videos teaching viewers a specific workout
  6. Rants and raves
  7. Health news and breakthroughs
  8. Debunking bad advice
  9. Gym equipment
  10. Health food recipes

There’s 10 broad-spectrum topics right there.

Make 36 videos on each topic and you’ve already produced 360 pieces of content.

Heck, you could pick up a copy of People magazine and instantly come up with 20 – 30 video ideas on celebrity diets or how movie stars get in-shape for their various roles.

Creating content is easy.

Look around you, find something interesting to talk about, and then share it with the world.

Additionally, you don’t have to put all you’re eggs in one basket (metaphorically speaking). I run several different websites (and a YouTube account). This lets me stay creative and fresh across each platform.

Now that we’ve gotten the big objections out-of-the-way, let’s look how using this system will net you over $100,000.

3. Why does this “stupid idea” make so much money?

The math behind the daily dollar technique may sound confusing at first (how does only making a buck a day add up to $133,225?), but it makes sense once you break everything down.

Allow me to explain.

Creating one product a day that generates one dollar per day means you’re making $365. And doing this every single day results in you creating 365 different products.

365 x 365 = $133,225.

That’s a lot of money.

Especially since you’re earning it off simple systems that only take an hour or so to create.

Best Platforms For Making $133,225 A Year In Passive Income

Now that we’ve talked about how this system works, let’s look at how you can harness it to make a boatload of cash.


Good, because I’m about to show you five of my methods for maximizing the daily dollar technique.

These are all low-input systems, and each one only takes an hour or two effort before it’s up and earning money.

1. Websites

Can you make money blogging?


At least not in the traditional way that everyone imagines.

People who write about what they did today or workplace drama aren’t earning anything. And most of those bloggers who pen thought pieces on politics or entertainment are making less than minimum wage.

However, people with actual online businesses are stacking up the big bucks.

There are tons of different online businesses that make money, but my personal favorite is affiliate marketing.

Basically, you’re a salesman in print.

Write an article about a product, insert your affiliate link, and earn commissions every time someone orders something through you. There’s no overhead and no start-up costs.

This system is great, as long as you master the basics of copywriting.

What is copywriting?

It’s persuasive writing. You’re penning an article or sales letter with the goal of getting someone to buy a product from you.

Sounds complicated, but it’s actually very simple.

All you need is a good teacher to show you the ropes.

And while there are many private gurus or 1-on-1 coaches to learn from, my suggestion is to invest in a course or book instead. They’re cheaper and still teach you all the information you need to succeed.

My two best recommendations for you are:

  1. The Adweek Copywriting Handbook, by Joseph Sugarman.
  2. Stopwatch Copywriting, by Jason Fladlien.

Both of these are great, but I especially like Stopwatch Copywriting because it’s an in-depth video course showing you exactly how to create powerful sales letters in mere minutes.

I’ve used this system for years, and have created some insanely successful ad copy as a result.

In fact, one of my sales letters took me 45 minutes to write and netted $1,275 in profits. That’s a lot of cash for less than an hour’s worth of work.

2. Ad Networks

(I make roughly $0.35 A Day Off Ads)

You know those annoying pop-up ads that everyone hates?

Well, they’re decent money-makers.

I have an old site (like 2011 old), that I built with Blogger.com. It’s not a super popular website, but still gets decent traffic and I haven’t updated it in over five years.

Anyway, since there’s okay traffic but nothing to sell on this site, I decided to put ads on it.

Using a service called Popads, I’m able to make some money off everyone who visits my super old blog (side note, my old ass website costs nothing to host or maintain since I built t for free with the Blogger platform).

These ads don’t make much, but they do net me about $0.35 per day. That’s $127.75 each year in passive income. And all it took was 20 seconds for me to put this ad network onto my blog.

3. YouTube

There’s a lot of hype surrounding YouTube and how to make money off it.

It’s all BS.

Profiting off YouTube’s ad network is tough. The site pays peanuts and you need massive traffic before you’ll ever see a dime.

Luckily, there are other ways to make money on here as well.

One (which I do), involves creating product reviews.

You take something you’ve bought, do a video about why you like it, and then include an affiliate link for people to purchase this item. Once someone orders through your affiliate link, you earn a commission.

Now personally, this is not a huge money-maker for me. But, the videos that I’ve made do turn a profit.

I’ve ranked one or two of them at the top of their search results, and they generate a little bit of passive income every week.

Now, personally, I’m not going to claim that this is some awesome way to make money. Though I’m not going to say that it’s a waste of time either.

In truth, I’m no great YouTuber. You could easily surpass me in viewership and earnings.

However, from my experiences with the site (and a whole lot of trial and error), I do have a few simple suggestions.

My Three YouTube Tips

(Here’s The Camera I Use)

  1. Invest in a quality camera and microphone right off the bat. When I started, I used my phone to record everything. It looked sloppy no one watched. Now I use a Logitech C270 Webcam and Blue Snowball Microphone, the videos now look and sound significantly better.
  2. Practice public speaking. If you’re in front of a camera, you need to give a good presentation. Otherwise, viewers will get bored and click away to some other channel. Read Speak to Win, by Brian Tracy, when you want to make your videos more engaging and dynamic.
  3. Publish new content regularly. Create a release schedule and stick with it. YouTube is competitive so you’ll want your channel to stay fresh in viewer’s minds so that they come back to it again and again.

That’s my basic YouTube advice. If you like being on camera and enjoy public speaking, give this platform a try.

4. eBooks

Everyone always claims that there’s big money in eBooks.

Go on any forum or business blog and you’re hammered over the head with success stories about people who make millions of dollars self-publishing titles about zombies and lesbian vampires.

From these types of articles it sounds like self-publishing is a goldmine that guarantees vast wealth.

Personal experience says otherwise.

Books take a long time to write, have low profit margins, and are difficult to sell.

I’ve published several titles on Amazon and none of them have made that much money. In fact, I’ll even show you my total sales for the month of April.

(Pretty Low)

Not too good.

On the bright side, books do make money indefinitely. Most of my titles were published years ago, and they’re still turning a (small) profit.

Since the pay isn’t great (the highest Kindle royalties you’ll earn is $6.96 off a $9.99 book), I can’t recommend this option to everyone. That said, if you love writing and think you’ve got at least one good story in you, give self-publishing a shot.

I tried it after reading Write. Publish. Repeat., and had some fun. Plus, people are always impressed when they learn that you’re a published author.

5. Publishing “Special Reports”

While eBooks are poor money-makers, special reports are very lucrative.

Basically, these are short, no-nonsense guides teaching people how to do some specialized task.

They’re generally around 15 – 20 pages long, and focus on one niche subject.

I’ve written about these before in my “Small Reports Fortune” review, but I’ll quickly recap my thoughts here.

Special reports are a great way to make money off a topic you’re passionate about. If you’ve got in-depth knowledge on a subject, people will pay a premium to learn about it. Selling a short, detailed guide for $7, $15, or even $97 is very common.

People want expert advice, and they’re looking for exclusive content that can’t be found in your standard off-the-shelf mass market paperback.

If you’re well-versed in a subject (and it could be anything from accounting to travel to dating advice), you will be able to make money by selling special reports. And, you’ll be able to earn far more off of these than you would from publishing a traditional book.

Final Thoughts On How To Make $133,225 Without Much Effort

(Relaxing At The Beach After An Intense One-Hour Work Day)

To reiterate, it’s easy to make lots of money.

All you need to do is this:

  1. Create something that brings in one dollar per day.
  2. Repeat this process every day for an entire year.
  3. Kick back, relax, and smile. You’re now earning an annual six figures in passive income.

There you have it.

Give this system a try and see for yourself.

They results are sure to amaze you.


View Comments (1)

  • Killer post and pure gold!

    Excellent points, I've tried something similar and went from making under $25,000 a year living in San Bernardino to pulling $80K a year from my private hideaway in Indonesia.

    Great blog and I'll be visiting more often!