Return Of The Digital Nomad

Digital nomading used to be popular. The idea that you could write a blog or make YouTube videos while traveling the world and collecting passive income sounds great. Until everyone discovered remote work. Now, nobody wants to be a digital nomad.

And everyone wants an easy data entry or cybersecurity job instead.

That’s great, until it isn’t.

And right now, the remote work pool is oversaturated. Dead-end, low-level positions are receiving thousands of applications. And big corporations are cracking down on employee free time.

When everybody zigs, you zag.

And now might be the perfect time to re-embrace the digital nomad lifestyle.

Why Become A Digital Nomad?

Remote work jobs were awesome, back when nobody else had them.

You rarely had to do anything, and sometimes the company would actually forget you existed.

There was a whole 6-month period where I got paid to do nothing (I’d literally log-in and then leave my apartment to go out with friends) because of a corporate restructuring where the new boss forgot I existed.

Unfortunately, the normies discovered how great remote work is.

And now everyone wants a remote work job.

This has lead to fierce competition, plus additional BS like daily Zoom meetings or progress reports.

Even if you do get a remote job now, there’s a good chance that it’s just as boring as a traditional cubicle gig. If you want freedom and control over your time, you’re need to take matters into your own hands.

And that means working for yourself, or creating your own online business.

Just like the digital nomads used to.

Being a digital nomad allows you to earn money on your own terms, while keeping a flexible schedule that isn’t weighed down by pointless Zoom calls or mid-day meetings.

And believe it or now, but digital nomading is actually easier now than it was in it’s 2010- 2015 heyday.

3 Lucrative Gigs That Are Less Competitive Than They Were 5 Years Ago

Remote work and new platforms like TikTok have created a vacuum.

One that’s sucked up most of the competition in classic, “old-school” digital nomad fields.

Here are three business ideas that are actually less competitive, and more lucrative, than they were a few years back.

  1. Blogging – I actually get more blog traffic and random SEO sales now than I did 5 years ago. Why? Because blogging is dead and nobody does it anymore. While running a blog or niche site isn’t super lucrative, there isn’t much competition now. Allowing you to rank higher on Google and make passive income affiliate sales.
  2. Self-Publishing eBooks – Again, this was a hot niche that’s died out. But, there’s still an opportunity here. eBooks won’t bring lifechanging money. But, it is nice to see the occasional $7 – $17 hitting your PayPal account with each new sale.
  3. Affiliate Marketing – You can take the principles of affiliate marketing, and transplant them to social media. I make a pretty good side income collecting pay-per-lead commissions with CPA Grip. This is a platform that offers giveaways (like a free PlayStation 5 or $500 Amazon gift card) in exchange for emails. And they typically pay promoters $0.50 – $2 per lead. You can join here if you’re interested.

There’s nothing wrong with getting a remote work job.

In fact, collecting $60,000 – $100,000 per year while working four hours a day from a beach in Thailand is the dream. And good on anyone who secures this gig.

That said, a lot of remote work positions are becoming insanely competitive.

And just as tedious as their in-office counterparts.

If you’re dead-set on escaping America and seeing the world, you may need to take matters into your own hands.

Embracing the call of the digital nomad.
