Why Women Cheat

Many men will happily marry their long-time girlfriend, only to find out that she’s having sex with other guys. At best, they end up permanently humiliated. At worst, their wife divorces them, taking half their stuff before moving in with the guy she’s banging. Why do women cheat?

And what can you do to minimize the odds of your wife or girlfriend cheating on you?

This Redditor’s Painful Confession Highlights The True Reason Women Cheat

A recent Reddit post went viral, in which the author wrote about his dying wife and how her final wish was to have sex with a previous lover. Here’s the full post, it’s worth a read:

My dying wife asked me if I’d be okay if she had sex with her ex one last time I can’t have this tied to my main, but I really need to say something about it and have no one I can tell. My wife has a terminal disease. She is projected to live at most 9 months. I am of course destroyed. We’ve been together for a decade. I don’t remember life without her and I don’t know what I’m going to do when she’s gone. I have been doing my best to make the last days of her life good and grant whatever wish I can. The doctors said that she was likely to need a wheelchair in 4 or 5 months, then by month 8 she’ll be bedridden for the last few weeks. That’s if she doesn’t decline faster. Recently she sat me down and told me that one of the last things she wanted to do was have sex with a previous partner of hers. I of course was shocked and when I asked why the fuck she wants that. So basically she thinks that her most physically compatible satisfying lover was him. She gave a whole monologue about how sex sometimes is just physical and how emotionally fulfilling sex is with me but it was bullshit to get to that point. So now I’m left with this, deny my dying wife a wish for my own ego, or let her go fuck another man who she feels was better. Honestly I’m so pissed of and betrayed that she asked this of me. I feel like I’m put in a position where I have to say yes because she’s dying. I know what I want to say, but I don’t know if that’s right. I’m so hurt that sex with an ex was apparently so good that she needs to do it once before she dies. I just hate everything about this.

In a nutshell, this guy just found out he sucks at sex.

Same goes for numerous other posts and comments where men are getting cheated on.

Being bad at sex is the number one reason that women cheat.

If you can’t sexually satisfy your wife or girlfriend, she’s going to find another guy who can.

Fortunately, sex is a skill. And you can learn to be a better lover. In fact, you can learn how to make women cum over and over again. Give a woman multiple orgasms, and she’ll stay with you forever. She’ll even beg you for sex.

Of course, you need to learn these skills before you can use them.

You’re going to need a copy of Revolutionary Sex if you want a full walkthrough of all the techniques that make women cum.

This is an in-depth guide to mastering sex and making women cum in a variety of ways. It covers everything from eating women out, to penetrative sex. To even some basic (but often overlooked) concepts like being a good kisser and erotic foreplay.

Grab a copy of Revolutionary Sex, follow its instructions, and you’ll never have to worry about a woman cheating on you again.
