WiFi Money: The Holy Grail

In 2018, left-wing academic David Graeber wrote a book titled Bullshit Jobs. In it, he talks about about modern work, and how it has more in common with slavery than it does traditional employment. When you get a job today, you are selling someone else your time and your freedom, not your talents or ability to finish a job. This is why so many people are miserable, despite their salaries. Luckily, there is a solution. WiFi money.

WiFi money frees you from being a slave to a set schedule or location.

When you work at an office, you have to be at your desk by a certain time every day.

When you harness the power of WiFi money, you can wake up at noon in Tahiti. It doesn’t matter, as long as you meet your goals.

The Easiest First Step

Getting a remote job is the easiest way to start making WiFi money. Content writing, data entry, and similar gigs all allow you to work from home – wherever that is.

Many expats make a perfectly good living from their part-time remote jobs.

They work three or four hours per day, and then they’re free to enjoy themselves. There’s nothing wrong with going this route, and it offers a laid-back lifestyle. Especially if you live somewhere interesting, like a beach town.

If you have absolutely no skills and no corporate connections, you can still pull this offer by getting a relatively easy job like online English teacher.

A lot of remote learning companies pay $12 – $20 n hour, and all you need is a webcam.

It doesn’t take a genius level intellect to start making WiFi money, since virtually anyone can get a remote work job and leverage the power of geoarbitrage.

Building Real Wifi Money

Remote work is fine, but starting and scaling your own business is where the real money’s at.

Starting a business is hard, and it may take several attempts before you you figure out what works. But, once you do, you’re able to separate time from effort.

I’ll explain.

Back in 2016, I started a handful of SEO niche websites. I didn’t know what I was doing or how to properly monetize them, but I did insert a few Amazon Affiliate links to various products.

Within eight months, this had netted me an extra $1,000. All from free Google traffic and affiliate commissions.

I took this same strategy and applied to to big-ticket items and higher commission programs. Within a year, I was making a full-time income off my sites.

Affiliate marketing and eBook publishing are both highly lucrative fields.

Once you figure things out, you can easily make tens – or even hundreds – of thousands of dollars per year off either business. And since there’s no physical location or input costs, you’re barrier to entry is virtually non-existent.

Beyond Passive Income

WiFi money, even at the remote work level, allows you to save more than you spend. Countries like Vietnam and Thailand are incredibly cheap, allowing you to live lavishly for well under $100 per day. As such, it’s virtually impossible not to end up with a surplus of cash.

This also means that you have a lot of opportunities for building real, long-term wealth.

You can buy stocks, speculate on crypto currencies, or invest into real estate. This is where you start to acquire assets that pay you, collecting checks from big businesses like Coca-Cola or monopolistic utility companies.

You’ve transcended “employee” or “business owner” and are now fully free to enjoy yourself, with all your lifestyle needs fully covered by investments.
